Paper Published


  •           Manchanda PK, Kumar A, Bid HK, Mittal RD. Interleukin-1 beta and receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) gene polymorphisms and the prediction of the risk of end stage renal disease. Biomarkers 2006 Mar-April; 11(2): 164-73.

    ·         Manchanda PK, Bid HK, Kumar A, Mittal RD. Genetic association of interleukin-1 beta and receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) gene polymorphism with allograft function in renal transplant patients. Transpl Immunol. 2006 April; 15(4): 289-96.

    ·         Manchanda PK, Kumar A, Kaul A, Mittal RD. Correction between a gene polymorphism of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (G/A) and end-stage renal disease: A      pilot study from North India. Clin. Chim. Act. Feb 2006. 28.

    ·         Mittal RD, Bid HK, Kumar A, Bhandari M. Association of urokinase gene 3-UTR polymorphism with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis.J Endourol.Feb 2006;20(2):157-60.

    ·         Kapoor R, Singh KJ, Suri A, Dubey D, Mandhani A, Srivastava A, Kumar A. Hem-o-llok clips for vascular control during laparoscopic ablative nephrectomy: A single center experience. J Endourol. March 2006; 20(3): 2002-4.

    ·         Mandhani A, Chaudhary H, Kapoor R, Srivastava A, Dubey D, Kumar A. Can outcome of internal urethrotome for short segment bulbar urethral stricture be predicted ? J Urol; 173(5): 1595-7; 2005.

    ·         Bid HK, Kumar A, Kapoor R, Mittal RD. Association of vitamin D receptor-gene (FokI) polymorphism with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. J Endourol.2005 Ja.-Feb;19(1):111-5.

    ·         Singh V, Srivastava A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Can the complicated forgotten indwelling ureteric stent be lethal? Int Urol Nephrol. 2005; 37(3): 541-6.

    ·         Anant Kumar & David E Neal. Transurethral prostatectomy for men with BPH. Trends in Urology Gynaecology and Sexual Health. 27-31; March/April 2005.

    ·         Dubey D, Kumar A, Mandhani A, Srivastava A, Kapoor R, Bhandari M. Buccal mucosal urethroplasty: A versatile technique for all urethral segments. BJU Int. ; 95(4): 625-9; 2005.

    ·         Dubey D, Sehgal A, Srivastava A, Mandhani A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Buccal mucosal urethroplasty for balanitis xerotica obliterans renalted urethral strictures: The outcome of 1 and 2 stage techniques. J Urol; 173(2): 463-6; 2005.

    ·         Srivastava A, Singh V, Kumar D, Kumar A, Sharma RK. Does mycophenolate mofetil decrease the recurrent acute rejection in renal transplant recipients. Int Urol Nephrol. 37(3): 615-9; 2005.

    ·         Mandhani A, Kumar D, Kumar A, Dubey D, Kapoor. Steps to reduce operative time in laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty for moderate to large renal pelvis. Urology; 66(5): 981-4; Nov. 2005.

    ·         Mandhani A, Kumar D, Kumar A, Kapoor R, Dubey D, Srivastava A, Bhandari M. Safety profile and complications of transperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty: A critical analysis. J Endourol; 19(7): 797-802; Sept. 2005.

    ·         Suri A, Srivastava, Singh KJ, Dubey D, Mandhani A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Endoscopic incision for functional bladder neck obstruction in men: Long term outcome. Urology; 66(2): 323-6. Aug. 2005.

    ·         Srivastava DS, Mishra DK, Mandhani A, Mittal B, Kumar A, Mittal RD. Association of genetic polymorphism of glutathione S- transferase M1, T1, P1 and susceptibility to bladder cancer. Eur Urol. 48(2): 339-44; Aug. 2005.

    ·         Srivastva A, Singh KJ, Suri A, Dubey D, Kumar A, Kapoor R, Mandhani, Jain S. Vascular complications after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Are there any predictive factors? Urology; 66(1): 38-40; July 2005.

    ·         Sehgal A, Mandhani A, Gupta N, Dubey D, Srivatava A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Can the need for palliative transurethral prostatic resection in patients with advanced carcinoma of the prostate be predicted? J Endourol; 19(5): 546-9; Jun 2005.

    ·         Prasad N, Gupta A, Shrama R.K, Prasad KN, Ahmed M, Kumar A, Kumar R. Risk factors for mortality in patients of fungal peritonitis on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Perit Dial Int. 25; Suppl(2):3; 2005.

    ·         Bansal SB, Gupta A, Sharma RK, Ahmed M, Prasad N, Kumar A. Chemical pleurodesis in the management of hydrothorax- An unusual complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): A report of 3 cases. Perit Dial Int.25; Supl. (2): 6; 2005.

    ·         Sinha A, Prasad, N, Shrama R.K. Ahmed M, Kumar A, Sharma M. Sharma R. Baseline nutritional indices of ESRD patients on CAPD in India. Perit Dial Int. 25; Supt (2): 11; 2005. 

    ·         Prasad N, Gupta A, Sinha A, Sharma RK, Ahmed M, Kumar A, Sharma M. Impact of nutritional stutus on peritonitis in ESRD patients on CAPD: A case control study. Perit Dial Int. 25; Suppl(2): 13; 2005.

    ·         Prasad N, Gulati S, Gupta A, Sharma RK, Kumar A, Julu R. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis – A single center experience in a developing country. Pediatr Nephrol (accepted for publication).

    ·         A Srivastava, H Chaudhary, A Sehgal, D Dubey, R Kapoor, A Kumar. Ureteric complications in live related donor renal transplantation- Impact on graft and patient survival. IJU; Vol.20(2); 11-14; 2004.

    ·         H Chaudhary, A Mandhani, D Dubey, M Jain, A Srivastava, R Kapoor, A Kumar, M Bhandari. Is contralateral renal involvement in genitourinary tuberculosis primary? IJU; 20(2); 19-23; 2004.

    ·         Kamaljeet Singh, Aneesh Srivastava, Amit Suri, Avinash Srivastava, Deepak Dubey, Rakesh Kapoor, Anant Kumar. Gastrointestinal complications in renal transplantation. IJU; 20(2); 33-35; 2004.

    ·         Mishra DK, Kumar A, Srivastava DS, Mittal RD. Allelic variation of GSTTI, GSTM1 and GSTP1 genes in North Indian population. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.; 5(4): 362-5; Oct-Dec. 2004.

    ·         M Raghavendran, A Rastogi, D Dubey, H Chaudhari, R Kapoor, A Kumar. Clinico-  pathological characteristics of renal pelvic malignancies associated with stone disease, Indian J of Cancer.  April 2004.

    ·         Goel S, Mandhani A, Srivastava A, Kapoor R, Gogoi S, Kumar A, Bhandari   M.Is povidone iodine an   Alternative to silver nitrate for renal pelvic instillation sclerotherapy in chyluria? BJU Int. 94(7): 1082-5; 2004.

    ·         Zaman W, Singh V, Kumar B. Mandhani A, Srivastava A, Kumar A, Kapoor R. Localized primary amyloidosis of the genitourinary tract: Does conservatism help? Urol Int. 73(3): 280-2; 2004.

    ·         Sehgal A, Raghavendran M, Kumar D, Srivastava A, Dubey D, Kumar A. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis causing  basilar artery aneurysm with concomitant fungal colonic perforation in renal allograft recipient: A case report. Transplantation. 27; 78(6): 949-50; 2004.

    ·         Gupta M, Venkatesh SK, Kumar A, Pandey R. Fine needle aspiration cytology of bilateral renal malakoplakia. Diagn Cytopathol. 31(2):116-7; 2004.

    ·         Srivastava DS, Kumar A, Mittal B, Mittal RD. Polymorphism of GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes in bladder cancer: A study from North India. Arch Toxicol; 78(8): 430-4; 2004.

    ·         Gulati S, Kumar A, Sharma RK, Gupta A, Bhandari M, Kumar A, Srivastava A. Outcome of pediatric renal transplants in a developing country. Paediatr. Nephrol; 19(1): 96-100; 2004. 

    ·         Anil Mandhani, Maniyur Raghavendran,Aneesh Srivastava, Rakesh Kapoor, Uttam Singh,Anant Kumar,M.Bhandari.Prediction of fragility of urinary calculi by X-Ray absorptiometry( DXA), J. Urol.; 170 (4): 1097-1100. Oct. 2003.

    ·         Anant Kumar, DM Tripathi, Aneesh Srivastava et al. Subcostal Vs Transcostal mini donor nephrectomy: Is rib resection responsible for the pain related donor morbidity. J Urology; 170 (3), Sept. 2003

    ·         Srivastava A, Gupta R, Kumar A, Kapoor R, Mandhani A. Routine stenting after ureteroscopy for distal ureteral calculi is unnecessary: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Endourol; 17(10): 871-4; 2003.

    ·         Kumar A, Dubey D, Sanjeevan R, Bansal P, Jain SK, Surgical & Radiological management of renovascular hypertension in developing country. J Urol. 170 (3) Sept. 2003

    ·         D.Dubey, A Kumar, P Bansal, A Srivastava, R Kapoor, A Mandhani, M Bhandari. Substitution urethroplasty for anterior urethral strictures: A critical  appraisal of various techniques. BJU, 91: 3; 215-218, 2003.

    ·         Anil Mandhani, Rakesh Kapoor, Waheed Zaman, Anant Kumar, Mahendra Bhandari, Sanjay Gambhir. Is 2 Week Duration Sufficient for Stenting in Endopyelotomy? J Urol . 169 (3): 886-889:  2003.

    ·         A.Agarwal, A Kumar, A Srivastava. High grade vesicoureteral reflux in renal recipient: Simultaneous ipsilateral nephroureterectomy with enlargement. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 317-318, 2003.

    ·         A Srivastava, A Kumar, A Agarwal. Donors with renal cysts: A dilemma in decision making. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 30-31, 2003.

    ·         A Kumar, SK Das, A Srivastava. Expanding the living related donor pool in renal transplantation: Use of marginal donors. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 28-29, 2003.

    ·         RK Shrama, A Kumar, J Kumar, A Gupta, S Gulati, AP Sharma, M Bhandari, A Kumar. Low-dose ATG is effective in treatment of acute rejection episodes. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 225-226, 2003.

    ·         RK Sharma, R Prakash, T Jeloka, A Gupta, S Gulati, AP Sharma, M Bhandari, A Kumar. Post transplant diabetes mellitus in renal transplant recipients – A single center experience. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 266-267, 2003.

    ·         A Srivastava, A Kumar, NK Arvind. Graft nephrectomy: A technical challenge. Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 340-341, 2003.

    ·         Subodh Kumar Das, Anant Kumar, NK Arvind, S Phadke. Surgical Management of Ambiguous Genitalia in  Infants and Children: An SGPGI Experience. IJU, 19 (2): 145-151, 2003.

    ·         Gupta RS, Raghavendran M, Kumar A. Isolated Type-I renal hydatid cyst presenting as a peripelvic cyst. Urology, 61(4) : 835 – 836, 2003.

    ·         Raghavendran M, Kumar A, Srivastava A, Vinita E, Manoj J, Pandey R. Posttransplant Epididymal Lymphoma: An aggressive variant. Transplantation, 75: 246-247, 2003.

    ·         Kumar A, Dubey D, Bansal P, Mandhani A. Urinary interleukin-8 predicts the response of standard and low dose intravesical BCG (modified Danish 1331 Strain) in superficial bladder cancer.  J Urol. Vol.168: 2232-2235, 2002. 

    ·         Gupta R, Kumar A, Kapoor R, Srivastava A & Mandhani A. Prospective evaluation of safety and efficacy of the supracostal approach for percutaneous nephrolithotomy, BJU International, 90, 809-813, 2002.

    ·         Kumar A, Dubey D, Gogoi S, Arvind ND. Laparoscopic assisted live donor nephrectomy: A modified cost effective approach for developing countries. J Endourology, 16,3,155-159, 2002.

    ·         Zaman W, Singh VS, Kumar Vinay, Srivastava A, Kumr A, Waklu AK. Pelvic Lipomatosis in a child. Urologia Internationalis, 69: 238-240, 2002.

    ·         Kumar R, Mukherjee M, Bhandari M, Kumar A, Sidhu H, Mittal RD. Role of oxalobacter formigenes in calcium oxalate stone disease: A study from North India. European Urology, 41, 318-322, 2002.

    ·         Waheed Zaman, Anant Kumar, Rajshekhar Gupta, Subodh Das , Anil Mandhani, Aneesh Srivastava, Archana Gupta. Helical CT angiography: A single imaging modality to evaluate a live renal donor. IJU; 18:2; 131-135, 2002.

    ·         M Raghuvendran, Rakesh Kapoor, Anant Kumar, Waheed Zaman, Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani. Renal cell carcinoma in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. IJU; 18:2; 150-151, 2002.

    ·         M.Raghuvendran, Anant Kumar, Raj Shekhar Gupta, Aneesh Srivastava. Cystic renal leiomyosarcoma: An aggressive tumour. IJU; 18:2; 153-154. 2002.

    ·         Raj Shekhar Gupta, Waheed Zaman, Aneesh Srivastava, Anant Kumar. Duplication of the inferior Vena Cava: Clinical implication during live donor nephrectomy and the role of preoperative CT angiography. IJU; 18:2:164-166, 2002.

    ·         Nand Kishore Arvind , Anant Kumar . Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy: An Indian perspective. IJU; 19 : 1; 29-37, 2002.

    ·         Anant Kumar, Sanjay Gogoi, Rakesh Kapoor, Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani . Management of complete staghorn stone in a developing country. IJU; 19 :1; 42-49, 2002.

    ·         Balbir S Verma, Mahendara Bhandari, Aneesh Srivastava, Rakesh kapoor, Anant Kumar. Optimum duration of J.J. stenting in live related renal transplantation. IJU; 19:1; 54-57, 2002.

    ·         Anant Kumar, Waheed Zaman, Dilip Chaurasia, Amit Gupta, Raj Kumar Sharma, Sanjeev Gulati. Prospectve randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of single low dose ATG induction in renal transplant recipient with spousal kidney. IJU; 19:1; 58-62; 2002.

    ·         Nand Kishore Arvind, Aneesh Srivastava, Anant Kumar, Subodh K Das. Graft nephrectomy: The SGPGI experience. IJU; 19:1; 68-72,2002.

    ·         Anant Kumar . Efficacy and safety of Tolterodine in subjects with symptoms of overactive bladder and open label noncomparative, prospective, multicentric study. IJU; 19:1; 73-78, 2002.

    ·         Raghuvendran M, Srivastava A, Kumar A, Zaman W. Renal angiomyolipoma (AML) – An unusual CT presentation. IJU; 10:1; 79-80, 2002.

    ·         Singh P, Kumar A, Pandey CM, Chanra H. Level of awareness about transplantation, brain death and cadaveric organ donation in hospital staff in India. Prog Transplant. 12(4): 289-92; 2002.

    ·         Das SK, Kumar A. Endoscopy of upper ureter. Bombay Hospital Journal. Vol 44. 166-175, 2002.

    ·         Sanjay Gogoi, K.V.Sanjeevan, Anant Kumar, Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani. Renal Allograft rejection causing coagulation of urine. IJU, 17: 2: 166,  2001. 

    ·         A Mehta, S Gulati, RK Sharma, A Kumar. Pre-emptive kidney transplant: A rational therapeutic approach. Indian Pediatrics, 38: -17, 1-3; 2001.

    ·         Sanjay Gogoi, Anant Kumar, Anil Mandhani, Mahendra Bhandari. Post hysterectomy vault prolaps – A correctable cause of obstructive uropathy. IJU, 18:1; 80-82, 2001.

    ·         Waheed zaman, Vishwajeet Singh, Aneesh Srivastava, Anant Kumar. Inverted Y urethral duplication.  IJU, 18: 1; 73-75, 2001.

    ·         Deepak Dubey, Aneesh Srivastava, Rakesh Kapoor, Anant Kumar, Mahendra Bhandari, Anil Mandhani, Single Stage reconstruction of complex anterior urethral strictures.IJU, 17:2; 145-151, 2001.

    ·         Sanjay Gogoi, Anant Kumar, Bhavna Mehta, Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani. Renal angiomyolipoma in Indian population- A single centre experience and review of literature. IJU, 18:1; 1-9, 2001.

    ·         Raj Shekhar Gupta, J Niranjan, Aneesh Srivastava, Anant Kumar. Lymphoceles following renal transplantation: Comparison of open surgical and laparoscopic deroofing. IJU, 18:1; 36-41, 2001.

    ·         Anant Kumar, Balbir S Verma, Sanjay Gogoi, Rakesh Kapoor, Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani: A prospective randomized trial of open surgery versus endourological stone removal in patients of staghorn stones with chronic renal failure. IJU, 18:1; 14-19,2001.

    ·         D.Dubey, A Kumar, R Kapoor, A Srivastava, A Mandhani: Acute urinary retention: Defining the need and timing for pressure flow studies. BJU, 88, 178-182; 2001.

    ·         Anant Kumar, Raj Sekhar Gupta, Aneesh Srivastava, Pradeep Bansal; Sequential anastomosis of accessory renal artery to inferior epigastric artery in the management of multiple arteries in live related renal transplantation: A critical appraisal. Clin. Transplantation, 15; 131-135; 2001.

    ·         Deepak Dubey Anant Kumar, , Aneesh Srivastava, Anil Mandhani, Ajay Prakash Sharma et al: Cyclosporin A withdrawl in live related renal transplantation: Long term results: Clin. Transplantation. 15; 131-135; 2001.

    ·         Kapoor R, Dubey D, Kumar A, Zaman W: Modified bulber urethral sling procedure for the treatment of male sphenteric incontinence. J Endourol, , Jun 15(5) 545-9, 2001.

    ·         Kumar A, Dubey D, Verma B, Bansal P: Living donation of ectopic kidney under compelling circumstances. J Urol. 165, 505-6, 2001.

    ·         Kumar A, Chaurasia D, Mandhani A, Srivastava A Bhandari M.: Is excision of IVC cuff during right donor nephrectomy safe? Point of Technique. Indian  J. Urol, 16, 172-174, 2000

    ·         Kumar A, Mandhani A, Verma BS, Srivastva A, Gupta A, Sharma RK, Bhandari M: Expanding the live related donor pool in renal transplantation: Use of marginal donors. J Urol.; 163: 33-6. 2000

    ·         A.Kumar, B.Verma, A.Srivastava et al: A prospective randomized trial of open Vs.  endourological stone removal in patients with staghorn stone with chronic renal failure. J Urol, 163, Abst No.1421, 2000.

    ·         A,Kumar, D.Dubey, R.Kapoor et al: Substitution urethroplasty for complex Anterior urethral stricture:    Long term results.J Urol, 163, Abst No.320, 2000.

    ·         Kumar A, Verma BS, Srivastava A, Bhandari M, Sharma RK, Gupta A: Evaluation of urological complication in a single centre. Impact of DJ stent. J Urol. 164,657 660, 2000. 

    ·         Kumar A, Verma BS, Srivastava A, Bhandari M, Sharma RK, Gupta A: Should elderly donor be attepted in the live related programme. Long term results. J Urol. 163,1654-1658,2000

    ·         Anil Mandhani, Aneesh Srivastava, Anant Kumar: Central cavitatory effect: A radiological clue to a primary transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate. J Urol. 1, 52-53, 1999.

    ·         A.Kumar, RS Gupta: Current management of urolithiasis. Journal of Internal Medicine of India. 2, 1079-184, 1999.

    ·         Rajesh Kumar, Rakesh Kapoor, A.Mandhani, A.Kumar, Rajesh Ahlawat:  Optimal duration of endopyelotomy stent: A prospective randomized trial: J. Endourology, 3, 89-92, 1999.

    ·         A Kumar, A Mandhani, S Gogoi, A Srivastava: Management of functional bladder neck obstruction in females : use of -blockers and pediatric resectoscope for Bladder Neck Incision. Journal of Urology 162, 2061-2065, 1999.

    ·         Mandhani A, Kumar A, Sanjeevan KV, Kapoor R, Bhandari M:Safety and efficacy of endourology and SWL in paediatric calculus disease in a developing country. Indian Journal of Urology. 6,9-17, 1999. 

    ·         Ansari MS, Mandhani A, Zamman W. Kumar A: Dual Drainage in Giant Hydronephrosis- An innovative approach. Brit. J of Urology, 84, 535-536, 1999.

    ·         C. Doehn, A.T. Mathew, E. L. Minford, A Kumar and J L R Forsythe. Thrombotic occlusion of ureteric stent: an unusual cause of anuria after kidney transplantation. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant (1997) 12:1267-1268.

    ·         A Kumar, Gupta R S. Current Management of  Urolithiasis. J. Int. Med. of  India. 2, 179-189, 1999.

    ·         A.Kumar Genitourinary Tuberculosis : An update . Ind. J. Surg. 61,73-77, 1999

    ·         JA Cadeddu, R Chen, J Bisheff, Micale, A Kumar, RG Moore, and L R Kavaussi. Clinical significance of fever after percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.  Urology 52:48-50, 1998

    ·         Singh P., Srivastava A, Kumar A. Current status of Transplant Co-ordination and organ donation in India.   Transplantation Proceedings 30 3627-3628 (1998).

    ·         A K Singh, R K Sharma, S Agrawal, S Avula, A Gupta, A Kumar, R Kapoor and M Bhandari, Long term  Allograft Survival in renal transplantation from elderly donors,  Transplantation Proceedings, 30, 3659 ,1998.

    ·         S Avula, R K Sharma, , A K Singh , A Gupta, A Kumar, S Agrawal,  M Bhandari: Age and Gender discrepanceies in living related  renal transplant donors and Recipients;Transplantation Proceedings, 30, 3674,1998.

    ·         S. Agrawal, A.K. Singh, R.K. Sharma, A. Gupta, A.Kumar, R Kapoor, and M Bhandari. In Vitro Pretransplant Mixed Lymphocyte Culture Response and Acute Rejection Episodes. Transplant Proceedings, 30, 2974  1998.

    ·         A Kumar, R Kumar, M Bhandari : Significance of Routine JJ Stenting in Live related renal transplantation: a prospective randomized study.  Transplantation  proceeding .30:2995-2997,1998.

    ·         Shrivastava A, Bhandari M, Kumar A, Singh P, and Sharma RK: Strategies for increasing Transplantation in India and Prospects of Organ Sharing. Transplantation Proceedings, 30,3648,1998.

    ·         Shrivastava A, Singh P, Bhandari M, and  Kumar A: Economics of Organ Transplantation in India. Transplantation Proceeding, 30, 3121-3122 (1998).

    ·         Srivastava A, Bhandari M, Kumar A, Singh P, and Sharma RK: Quest for Organ Donors: Ethical Considerations in India, Transplantation Proceedings, 30, 3629-3630(1998).

    ·         Kumar A Verma BS, Avula S , Sharma RK, Bhandari M: Should elderly donors be accepted in the live related renal transplantation J. Urol. 159, Abst No 706, 184m 1998.

    ·         Kumar A, Rakesh A, Bhandari M: Significance of JJ Stenting in live related transplantation J.Urol.Abs. no.,1997

    ·         P Arora, V Kher, M K Singhal, P Kumar, S Gulati, S S Baijal, S Jain, A Kumar: Renal Artery Stenosis in Aortoarteritis: Spectrum of Disease in Children and Adults. Kid. Blood. Pressure. Res. 20:285-289,1997

    ·         Sharma RK, Raj P.K., Kumar A, Kumar P, Gupta A, Kher V, Agarwal S, Bhandari M, Role of  pre-operative donor specific transfusion and SSA in haploidentical living  related renal transplant. Nephron, 75: 20-4, 1997.

    ·         Gupta S, Kher V, Gulati S, Arora P, Gupta A, Kumar A,  Bhandari M. Urinary tract infection in renal allograft recipients. J. of Nephrology 9; 207-210, 1996.

    ·         Ramanathan R, Kumar A, Kapoor A and Bhandari M. Relief of Urinary tract obstruction in tuberculosis to improve renal function: Analysis of predictive factors 81;199-205, 1998.

    ·         Venkat Raman S, Ramanathan S, Kapoor, Kumar A: Mitrafanoff Principle for continent diversion Urol. Internationalis: 58;108-112, 1997.

    ·         Sharma RK, Jha R, Kumar P, Kumar A: Visceral Leishmonisasis in renal transplant recipient: Diagnostic and Therapeutic problems. Am. J. Nephrol 16: 358-360, 1996.

    ·         Kumar A: Management of ureteric calculi: SWL VS Ureteroscopy. Current opinion in Urology. 6; 229-234, 1996.

    ·         Baserge N, Kumar A et al: Angiomatous malformation of ureter and bladder causing recurrent haematuria Indan J. Urol. 12:74-75, 1996.

    ·         Ramanathan R, Kumar A, Srinadh E et al. Surgical complication of renal transplantation. Prevention and management. Indian J Urol 12;60-63, 1996.

    ·         Kumar A, Banerjee GK, Baserge N et al. Non neurogenic urinary retention in female: An indication for urodynamic evaluation. Indian J Urol 12;55-59, 1996.

    ·         Kumar A Srinadh S, Bhandari M and Sharma RK. Endourological and conservative approach to urological complication of renal transplantation. Ind J Urology 11;76-80, 1995.

    ·         Sharma RK, Kumar A, Rai P, Kher V, Kumar A, Bhandari M: Cyclosporine neurotoxicity in a renal transplant recipient. Nephron 70, 269, 1995

    ·         Kumar A, Banerjee G, Kapoor R, Goel M and Bhandari M: Functional bladder neck obstruction a rare cause of renal failure. J Urol. 154; 186-189, 1995.

    ·         Baijal S, Baserge N and Kumar A. Percutaneous Management of Renal hydatidosis- minimally invasive approach. J. Urol 153; 1199-1201, 1995.

    ·         Kumar V, Kumar A, and Banerjee GK: Ureterovaginal fistula: An unusal complication of stone fragments following ESWL in situ. J Urol. 152: 20096-97, 1994.

    ·         Kumar A, Kumar V, Bhandari M et al. Kidney from elderly donor, does outcome differ? Clinical transplantation 8:523-526, 1994.

    ·         Kumar A, Kumar V, Mishra V et al: Should upper ureteric stone be manipulated before ESWL? Prospective controlled trial J Urol. 152, 320-23, 1994.

    ·         Kumar A, Srivastava A, Mishra V, Banerjee GK: Retroprostato-vesical tubercular cavity. An unusual presentation of genito-urinary tuberculosis. J. Urol 151, 1351-1352, 1994.

    ·         Kumar A, Banerjee GK, Tewari A. Isolated duodenal injury during  relook percutaneous nephrolithotomy Bri J Urol. 74: 382-383, 1994.

    ·         Srivastava A, Kumar A: Massive dilatation of augmented bladder mimicking perforation. An unusual presentation Brit J Urol 73, 218-219, 1994.

    ·         Kohli HS,  Gupta A, Kumar A et al: 99Tc DTPA scan as a diagnostic marker of acute rejection in renal transplantation. Ind. J Nephrology 3, 4-8, 1993.

    ·         Sharma RK, Gulati S, Kumar P, Kher V, Gupta A, Agarwal S, Kumar A and Bhandari M: Cyclosporine and post renal transplant diabetes mellitus.   Proceedings of XIIth international congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem. 390, 1993.

    ·         Kumar A, Sharma RK, Das BK, Bhandari M, Kher V and Gupta A. Cyclosporine withdrawal in patients in triple drug immunosuppression after renal transplantation,  Proceedings of XIIth Internation congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem 195, 1993.

    ·         Sharma RK, Sharma RK, Rai P, Gulati S, Kher V, Gupta A, Kumar A and Bhandari M: Ethambutol  induced ocular toxicity in electrophysiological study., Proceedings of XII International Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem. 604. 1993.

    ·         Sharma RK, Elhence R, Kumar A, Bhandari M and Agarwal S: Role plasma pharesis and Cyclosporin rescue therapy in steroid resistant rejections, Proceeding of XIIth International Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem, 192, 1993.

    ·         Kumar A, Kumar V, Bhandari M, Sharma RK, Kher V, and Gupta A. Kidneys from elderly donors. Does the outcome differ? 140. Proceeding of XIIth International congress of Nephrology, Jerusalam, 1993.

    ·         Gupta S, Tiwari A, Mazumdar B, Gupta RK, Kumar A, and Gujral RB: Sonourethrography in the evaluation of anterior urethral stricture, correlation with radiography urethrography. J. Clin. Ultrasound. 21: 231-239, 1993.

    ·         Dalela D, Bhandari M, Kumar A,  Kher V, Sharma RK:  Creation of low cost model of renal transplantation suitable for developing countries. Transplantation Proceeding 24:2129, 1992.

    ·         Bhandari M, Dalela D, Kumar A, Kher V, Sharma RK: Strategy for public education campaign to enhance altruistic donation of kidneys for transplantation in India. Transplantation proceeding 24, 2066, 1992.

    ·         Mishra V, Kumar A, Ahlawat R, Kumar V et al: Should upper ureteric stones be routinely manipulated before ESWL?- A prospective study. Proceeding of AUA. J. Urol. 149 363A, 1993.

    ·         Srivastava A, Kumar A, Dalela D: Adults Wilm’s tumour. A histological dilemma. Ind J Urol 9, 75-76, 1993.

    ·         Ahlawat R, Kumar A, Bhandari M, Tewari A, and Kapoor A: In- situ ESWL for ureteric calculi using Lithostar. Factors affecting fragmentation and result. J. Endourology 4, Suppl 1,8, 8-160, 1990.

    ·         Kumar A, Srivastava A, Dalela D, Gupta RK, Kulshrestha A: Acute focal bacterial nephritis diagnosis and management. Ind. J. Radiology and imaging 49, 185-188, 1992.

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    ·         Bansal, A, Maheshwari, R, Chaturvedi, S, Bansal, D, Kumar, A. Comparative analysis of outcomes and long‐term follow‐up of robot‐assisted pediatric kidney transplantation, with open counterpart. Pediatr Transplant. 2020; 00:e13917.  

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